Sunday, April 02, 2006


Having or deserving glory, characterized by great beauty and splendor, magnificent.

This word came to mind on my run this afternoon. I thought maybe at first that it was too flowery or too wimpy of a word, but it described the day perfectly. The weather here couldn't have been nicer. The temps were in the high 60's, low 70's. There was a light breeze. The sky was blue with wispy white clouds. The hills have all turned green dotted with yellow mustard, due to the recent rains. I felt good. I had no time expectations for the run, so I just ran and enjoyed the absolutely glorious day. We had lunch with some friends, picnic style, at Brackett Airfield. This is a small airport on the other side of Bonelli Park. I've mentioned them before. After we were done eating and hanging out I ran home. I didn't know exactly how far it would be. I had guessed about 5 miles. When I got home I checked g-maps pedometer and came up with 6.25 miles at 8:36 pace. Glorious.

Weekly miles: 30.4
March miles: 147.4

Our church has a satellite service at a movie theatre in the next town over. This morning Jarod Behee and his wife, Marissa we going to be there to share a little of their story. Jarod is a staff sergeant in the US Army. He was critically wounded in Iraq. We were aware of his story as he is a member of our church. His wife has kept a website detailing their ordeal. His recovery has been nothing short of miraculous and inspiring. This kind of story makes blogging about running seem pretty trivial. I am thankful that we have men and women like Jarod and his wife that have sacrificed nearly everything for the ideals of the USA. What ever your thoughts on the war, you cannot dispute the fact that Jarod and those in similar situations are truly heroic and deserve our support. Jarod's willingness to serve, his recovery against all odds, Marissa's strength and reliance on God, that's Glorious.


Joe said...

Glorious is the word, Darrel. The perfect day to run is a glimpse. The miracle of a soldier shows us the substance.

I read the site of Jarrod and Marissa. Wow, what a story. The prayers of many people have been answered so far.

My oldest son, David, is an Army medic and was in Iraq at the time of Jarrod's injury. Here are some of David's pictures:

By the grace of God, David came home whole to his wife and twin sons. I told him, many times, that he was the answer to prayer for many, many families in how he cared for injured soldiers.

It is quite a story, as you say, no matter one's views, we need to support these ordinary men and women who are doing heroic things in service to their country.

Mike said...

Darrell- great post. My dad was a career military man (Army) so I've seen firsthand some of the sacrifices they make. I definitely support all our troops!

Legs and Wings said...

Very powerful. God is good.

Rae said...

I am loving spring, too. It just makes everything seem perfect and that all is right with the world!

Unknown said...

wow...what an awesome miracle. God does move and does respond to prayer.

and thanks, darrell. having been over there the first time around, i really appreciate it when people support us, regardless of the politics.