Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Mr. Consistent

Tyler and I ran the Surf City 5K in Huntington Beach this morning. This was my inaugural race back in 2003 after picking up running just a month before. My time was 34:27. I ran that race a lot like Tyler runs these races now.

Ten days ago we ran a 5K in 31:48, my watch, or 31:57, official. Today's 5K came in at 31:55, my watch, 32:24, official. The big difference today was the size of the crowd. There were 1642 finishers compared to 269 at Lomita.

Tyler postponed the first walk break to the turn around point rather than at the mile marker. He took 2 more, one for a 60 seconds and the last for 30 seconds. As usual he turned up the speed near the finish line. At Surf City the actual finish is around a left turn. Tyler overestimated his ability to sustain the final kick.

During the race I tried to convince him to use some of that final kick during the race when he feels compelled to walk. I really think he can do it. The battle is more mental than physical. On the way home we discussed strategies for getting faster.

I'm a little disappointed with this race. For starters; no goodie back. Not that big of a deal really, but noticable. And my pet peeve; t-shirts only in large and extra large. Why? Do I really need another t-shirt? Not really. It iss just that I come to expect these things, especially at a race of this size. I guess more a reflection on me than on the race.

On the plus side I like that they have 3 divisions for this race that go off at 3 separate times. There's a HB resident only race, an open division race, and a stroller race, along with 1/2 and mile race for the kids. There were 8 choices of race venues in So Cal this morning. Next year it may be time to try another race to celebrate Independence Day.

At the finish line they were giving out 32 oz bottles of Deluge Sport Drink. I tried the "Intense Lime" flavor. It reminded me of KoolAid. We drank a lot of KoolAid as kids. My parent's rarely bought "pop". Deluge has the same calories as Gatorade, but only about 1/2 the sodium. Deluge also contains taurine, l-glutamine, and l-carnitine. The one thing I do like about it is the lack of high fructose corn syrup, the number 3 ingredient on the Gatorade Xtremo flavor I was using as comparison. It appears as though Deluge is trying to expand their market. They seemed to be linked to motocross currently.

At the race I also picked up a hard copy of the Race Place magazine so that Tyler and I can find our next 5K.


Legs and Wings said...

Hey Darrell, the best part again is that you were out with Tyler. That is tops dude.

It's funny that you mention Kool-Aid because we drank a pile of that as kids here too. Pop was a rare treat at my house. I remember when I landed a paper route job I would blow all my money on pop and candy at the store on the way home for supper. No wonder I didn't like veggies.

I hope you're enjoying your summer and get a few days off to relax.

Sarah said...

That's great you're out there running 5k's with Tyler. You better watch out, because one day he may just smoke you! ; ) : )

I've never heard of Deluge, but it sounds interesting. I try to avoid HFCS, but I still drink Gatorade as my day to day sports drink. I use the more expensive stuff (w/o HFCS) on my longer runs.

Wes said...

I, for one, really like my walk breaks, sub-30 or not :-) Just means I bust my chops harder between breaks!! You guys are becoming quite the pair!

My family were big kool aid drinkers too!! Nothing like a bunch of sugar for a house full of kids.

Anonymous said...

It's been a while since you and I ran on the same day, and I'm not much faster at this point.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up on NOT trying Deluge. I, too, was part of the Kool-Aid generation. Now I can't stand it! :)

Nice work on your 5K. How nice that your son joins you! That mental battle takes awhile to overcome. He'll get there.

Sorry about the t-shirts and lack of goodies. I mean, isn't that why we race? :)

Scott McMurtrey said...

man you guys have lots of races down there! great that you're running them too.

my dad lives on the other side of the country but we are already planning our next visit to see each other around a race. that's what it's all about really. :)

Backofpack said...

Yep, Kool-aid for us growing up too. Not so fond of fruit flavored drinks now though...

Nice on getting out there with Tyler, and really nice on that consistancy!

Journey to a Centum said...

I really enjoy my rare runs with our son Riley too! Sounds like a fun day. Hope you were able to enjoy some barbeque afterwards. We ran a Four on the Fourth run and I was very pleased with my 6:11 pace considering it's been about 8 months since I've run any speed work or shorter distances races. I guess all those miles running ultras pay off.

In answer to your question asking if I will try WS again I'm just waiting for them to get the 2008 application up on the web site and I'll toss my name into the lottery. It's a great race to be a part of and I really want to cross that finish line.

Kool-Aid was OK but I was more of a Fizzies guy. Ever try to let a Fizzie dissolve on your tounge?

Take care and run happy!

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

Take heart in finishing too Darrell, along with Tyler. It's an accomplishment that you are just out there. You can't set a PR every time you put the shoes on the know that...but every mile gets you closer to the next PR...whenever that may occur....I'll bet it is at a far better event than what you just event that will itself get you pumped before the gun is are still 2 minutes ahead of my best time...but look out....the old man is coming....

Randy - Maniac #788 said...

Just read Eric's comment...oh nasty nasty...tart but what a feeling...I haven't thought about Fizzies in years....brings back lots of memories......Eric we are with you on next years will make it this time.

SoberMommie said...

Congrats to you and your son on another 5K finish! It is always a great time running with your kids. My 13 year old son was there running also but I was home doing the party prep. Thanks for the heads up on Deluge. I have never heard of it either but will watch out for it.
Have a great one!

Anonymous said...

Good ole Kool Aid! I find it interesting that it has 1/2 the sodium. As an endurance drink it would seem like there should be more sodium not less. Maybe they're not trying to break into the ultra market.

Ryan said...

Another great race guys and I wish my local 5K had a stroller category that would be fun! Lot’s of these sports drinks are adding protein and cutting the fructose/sucrose out sounds good to me! Mom didn't let us indulge in Kool-Aid as kids but maybe that's why I never got any cavities ;-)

Bob - said...

Very Cool You running races with Tyler, You are planting a great seed of committing to health & wellness and having fun in the process.

what's up with no goodie bag, that is a little weak.

YE YE on the Kool-aid, miss that big red pitcher:-)

Joe said...

I'm really impressed that Tyler has stayed with the running/racing thing. That is really excellent for him and I'm sure he enjoys doing it with you.

I'll have to compare Accelerade to Deluge, eh??!!

Neese said...

heheh, growing up we drank Kool-Aid and "pop", wow i haven't heard that in awhile "pop". funny. :)

Ryan said...

Congrats on getting your butts out there and running on the 4th. I took the day off!! Great job.