Friday, February 17, 2006

You Run Funny

Monday - Day off
Tuesday - I went over to Via Verde for an easy 4 miler. I hadn't been over there in a couple of weeks. I took it easy on the way out and decided to kick it up a notch on the way back. I did the return trip nearly 4 minutes faster than the out. A decent negative split, I thought.

I had originally planned on doing my speedwork session on Thursday this week. But then I got an opportunity to go out for sushi on Thursday with my wife (no sushi for her) and a friend from her work. The friend wanted to see my India pictures. I'll take any excuse to have some sushi. So I decided to move my speed session to Wednesday. Doesn't this sound familiar?

Wednesday - When I got home from work my wife informed me that she was waiting for her friend Kellie to pick her up.

me - "Do you have some scrapbooking thing tonight that I forgot about?" This is a normal question for me. My wife scrapbooking and me forgetting something are both perfectly within the realm of possibility.

she - "No, we are going for a walk." A walk? Not normally within the realm of possibility, but...

me - "Oh, that's cool. Where are you going to go?"
she - "Over to the track at Royal Oak."
me - "Really, me too. I was going to do my speedwork tonight."
she - "Oh....."

It seemed a little weird to be running around the track while she and her friend were walking. I don't really know why. There is almost always other people walking or running the track. Its not as though I have the track to myself. I think we both felt a little self conscience about having the other one there. Anyway, Kellie comes to pick her up and they drive over to the track. I ran over to to get in my warm up.

I started my speed work with a 400m lap. As I ran by them the first time, Kellie yells out "Run, Forrest, run!" After that we pretty much ignored the fact that we were there together. I think it helped a lot that there are no lights at the track so you can only really see people as you pass them. I did three 400m laps each followed by a slow recovery lap. I decided it was time to step up the program and try an 800m leg. Twice around! I usually feel like dying after once around. But I made it just fine. The first lap in 1:49 and the second in 1:54. I felt like I had just broken some great barrier. I could do two laps "fast" without exploding or something. I did a couple more 400m legs then started by cool down run home. My wife and her friend ended up walking 2 miles. Yeah for them.

When I got home we talked about it and decided that it wasn't that weird that we shared the track. But then during dinner she dropped the bomb - "You run funny." What??! She said that I don't pick my feet up very far off the ground. I guess she's right, I do kind of shuffle along (like an old man). The funny thing is I only passed them during my speed laps not my recovery laps. I shouldn't be shuffling when I'm trying to do speedwork.

It's been 2 days since then, but I can still hear "You run funny." I promise to work on that. I could probably go faster if I picked up my knees (and feet) a little more.


Anonymous said...

I am not a physicist, but I have heard from more than one source that an efficient running form involves NOT picking your feet up too high. The point of running is to move forward, not up and down. Just pretend that you know exactly what you're doing and that she (being the inexperience one) has mistaken your extremely efficient form for something that it is obviously not.

I don't think this would work with my wife, but let me know if it works for you.

Darrell said...

Thanks, I'll try that approach and let you know.

Rae said...

That's funny. I used to take Brent's critiques on my form personally, but now it actually helps.

Great job with the neg splits!!